Trudie Maria Booth is a lecturer in French at the University of Portland. She has been teaching French language, literature, and culture courses for more than thirty years. Her previous publications include French Phonetics, A Guide to Correct Pronunciation of French, French Prepositions, French Verbs and Idioms, and A Complete French Grammar for Reference and Practice. She has been the recipient of several awards including the James Culligan Award, the University’s highest faculty honor, the Outstanding Teaching Award, and the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund Award.
Authored by Madame Booth
Forms and Usage
An in-depth study of the forms of both simple and compound prepositions and their use in modern French.
A Guide to Correct Pronunciation of French and Cahier d'Exercises.
To access audio files that highlight correct pronunciation for material found in French Phonetics, click here
Extensive lists of useful idioms, proverbs, and sayings containing the verbs, tenses, and moods discussed fill the gaps in the knowledge of the advanced learner.
This comprehensive manual thoroughly covers every aspect of French grammar.
The ideal reference and workbook for beginning to intermediate French learners.
This invaluable book describes the development of the French language from its Latin origins to its most recent form.
Feel free to contact me anytime. I would love to hear from you.
© Copyright 2021 - Madame Booth